16 Messages
492 Points
Re-Direct from my Homestead URL to an outside URL?
Have an event coming and woud like to temporarily and automatically redirect visitors that enter my URL www.fourstatesautomuseum.org over to a new URL. How can I go about doing this?
Thank you,
1.9K Messages
19.3K Points
5 months ago
What's an "Outside URL"?
Do you want to create a subdomain?
Do you want to create a link to another website?
Select the text or image > From the image settings or text settings menu select Link > Browse to insert an element from your files or to create an anchor link choose "Another Area on this Page > Click the down arrow to reveal the anchor link choice. Click the Anchor link > You'll see the Anchor Element. Place this element in the desired position on your page.
You can add a link to an image or text using the link options to a URL. Here are instructions on adding links. https://community.homestead.com/conversations/websitebuilder/websitebuilder-link-image/5f2a9b3358180958845e01fe
Select the image > Use Image Setting Menu > Link > You can browse and select the link element or you can Copy the link URL address and insert it into the link command box.
LINK TEXT: Highlight the text and follow the same procedure.
Produce an anchor link for the desired element, save and publish. Using your browser, navigate to the page and select the element. You'll see that the URL has changed to include the element's link address. Copy that URL and paste it in your Settings menu Link command.
CREATE A LINK TO ANOTHER ELEMENT ON A DIFFERENT PAGE: You can select the URL from the address line and paste it into your Link command box. If the image or text on the page has an anchor link, you can select that element and the URL will include that specific element. Using that URL address will target that specific element. For example: Select any element on the page and produce an anchor link for that element. Save and publish. Use your browser, navigate and select that element in your site. You will see that the URL address has changed to include the anchor linked item. Copy that URL and paste that as your target link in your Link command box in Image Settings or Text Settings.
In your builder, you can create a link to a different part of the page by following these instructions: https://community.homestead.com/homestead/topics/what_are_anchor_links_and_how_can_i_use_them#differentpage.
Produce an anchor link for the desired element, save, and publish. Using your browser, navigate to the page and select the element. You'll see that the URL has changed to include the element's link address. Copy that URL and paste it into your Settings Menu Link command.
11.2K Messages
146.6K Points
5 months ago
A bit of a workaround, but if you change the site association of that site to your other website, built in Sitebuilder Plus, you can then edit the www subdomain of your domain to point to another URL. Once the event is over, you can remove that and change the site association back to the original website.
2 Messages
70 Points
1 month ago
I need to 'forward' my current domain to an external website (url) while keeping my homestead emails. How can I 'forward' to another site hosted elsewhere?