donna4042's profile

7 Messages


220 Points

Monday, January 29th, 2024 11:56 PM

My emails disappeared!

I have been using homestead for approx. 12 years.  On Saturday, while checking my inbox for new messages, all of my emails disappeared.... the ones that were not yet seen yet (new), the ones I had already seen and was in the inbox (old) and even those that I have had saved (some for several years) in folders.

I called and spoke with someone named Rachel on 1/29/24 at approx. 5:10pm est

She insisted that I must have deleted the files.  This is absolutely not true!!!!!

She said the only way that I can have my emails restored is to pay $50.00!!!!

I asked her if this is a scam (a rhetorical question since of course, she said "no")

Can someone please help me?  I use this email/webpage for my church.  

Many important emails have been erased -- that I have had for years!

I do not believe that I should be charged such a large amount to have my emails restored.

Please, help me!


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7 Messages


220 Points

7 months ago

If homestead does not contact me by this evening, I am posting complaint on Better Business Bureau.  This is horrible service for a years-long loyal customer!!!

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144.8K Points


We don't have any known issue with email that would cause your emails to disappear. I'm sorry, but the $50 restoration fee is standard for us to submit the restoration ticket. 

7 Messages


220 Points

7 months ago


I have noted your unacceptable reply.  Despite what you have responded, I am the client and I know that this was a break-down in service where ALL of my emails unilaterally disappeared.  This email is for my church organization. The emails were of vital importance. Some awaiting responses from our church.  I am sorely disappointed that Homestead will allow this negligence to occur ... and, then try to explain it as fixable with a $50 fee!!!!!  This is terrible service and customer relations.  I will follow-up for a more professional and fair resolution.