michael9629's profile

3 Messages


150 Points

Wednesday, March 15th, 2023 5:12 AM

Emails getting blocked or sent to Spam

​Most of my emails are getting blocked, placed in spam, gmail promotions, or showing as unverified sender. Use a few sites that check domains for spam, and here are the issues. Not sure how to fix it. I'm using Outlook 365 and SendGrid to send some automated emails.  ​

​I​​SSUE 01:​

​​ ​ ​Reverse Entries for MX records​
WARNING: Found mail servers with inconsistent reverse DNS entries. You should fix them if you are using those servers to send email. ​
All mail servers should have a reverse DNS (PTR) entry for each IP address (RFC 1912). Missing reverse DNS entries will make many mail servers to reject your e-mails or mark them as SPAM.​
All IP's reverse DNS entries should resolve back to IP address (IP → PTR → IP). Many mail servers are configured to reject e-mails from IPs with inconsistent reverse DNS configuration.​

​ISSUE 02:​

​ ​ ​Connect to Mail Servers​​ ​
​ FAIL: Connection to all mail servers failed. ​
  • ​mx.mowdays.com.​​:​​Server checks disabled due complaints.​
  •  ​
​To receive emails, mail servers should allow TCP connections on port 25. ​
​ ​
​ ​ ​ISSUE 03:​​ ​
​ ​​ ​ ​Check DMARC record ​
​ ​
​ ​NOTICE: Domain doesn't have DMARC record.  ​ ​DMARC​​ (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) helps reducing potential of email-based abuse such as spam and phishing e-mails. ​
No DMARC Record found
 spfmowdays.com Too many included lookups (16
spfmowdays.com A null DNS lookup was found for include (mail.mowdays.com)
mxmowdays.com DMARC Quarantine/Reject policy not enabled
dnsmowdays.com SOA Serial Number Format is Invalid
smtpmx.mowdays.com Reverse DNS does not contain the hostname
mtpmx.mowdays.com Reverse DNS does not match SMTP Banner
smtpmx.mowdays.com Maybe an open relay
Homestead please help. 

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3 Messages


150 Points

1 year ago


Brand User

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143.9K Points

1 year ago


All of your DNS records are correct on our end. I see that you did add a DMARC. 

Sometimes, on shared hosting where many customers use the same email servers, they get detected as contributing to spam and unnecessarily get blacklisted by a few recipient email servers and RBLs. We do have a system in place that monitors our mailout server IPs for their reputation at RBLs that sends out reports periodically. Our Network Operations team rotates the blocked IPs automatically and that should resolve any blocks our servers may have, given time. We do recommend trying to resend the bounced emails.
Additionally, we have already informed our engineering team regarding this issue and our engineers are working towards a fix on increasing the reputation. I'm afraid we do not have an ETA on this. We appreciate your patience while we resolve this issue.

1 Message


60 Points

@elyzabethv​  I am having the same issue with my email getting flagged as spam.  Please advise.

host usb-smtp-inbound-1.mimecast.com []

    SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<xxxxx@shurtape.com>:

    550 spamcop.mimecast.org Blocked - see https://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml? - https://community.mimecast.com/docs/DOC-1369#550 [ucGBo7KgPg6_RDPSVJrpUA.usb3]

Brand User

10.9K Messages


143.9K Points


Can you go ahead and try once more? I have updated the TXT SPF record for your domain which should allow it to begin working properly.