19 Messages


290 Points

Tuesday, December 12th, 2023 5:03 PM

email problems not fixed in a month and 7 contacts with Homestead

This is the worst systemic email situation I have seen since the debacle when Quicken bought Homestead!  It took 7 contacts with Homestead support before Homestead acknowledged the issue was on Homestead's end and not on .mil end - https://community.homestead.com/conversations/email-support/mil-cannot-receive-my-email-again/656a21a2956a715d194e8119

The fix was my Homestead DMARC update, not a problem on the .mil end as Homestead techs told me over and over again.

And now my email is being rejected by others in addition to gmail and .mil accounts for the same reason -


Remote-MTA: dns; msn-com.olc.protection.outlook.com
Remote-MTA: X-ip; []
X-Exim-Diagnostic: X-str; SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT   rejected

Qwest -

Remote-MTA: dns; mx.centurylink.net
Remote-MTA: X-ip; []
X-Exim-Diagnostic: X-str; SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT   rejected

We have to get this fixed or I need to find a dependable provider.  My government contract relies on reliable email service between my government contacts and the public in my research.  I don't want to leave Homestead after 21 years as a customer, but these continued problems are becoming a critical issue!

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19 Messages


290 Points

9 months ago

And now we have new problems! 

"This is an encrypted message and can not be displayed. Sorry!" 

This is why Homestead staff put my email in CloudFlare so that encrypted messages worked.

And after Homestead Tech fixed the DMARC I am getting this same message again   

host sec-jeemsg.eemsg.mail.mil []
    Delay reason: SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
    451 #4.7.5 Unable to verify signature - key server unavailable

Homestead connected my account to CloudFlare. about 5 years ago. Is there ANY OTHER OPTION for those of us who need to communicate with .mil and .gov and need encrypted????

51 Messages


956 Points

9 months ago

I was having the same issues with no help at resolution from Homestead.  I'll pass along a partial solution for those of us using Cloudfare that seems to have helped.  This came from the Cloudfare community support.

1. Go to your Cloudfare DNS dashboard.

2.  In the TXT field click edit and then manually retype what already appears there - do NOT copy/paste. 

3.  Delete the original line of text but leave what you just manually typed in.  Save.

It seems that when text is copy/pasted into that field it enters in extra hidden characters that invalidate it.  The extra characters showed up when I did a DNS query on my domain name.

My emails stopped bouncing back after I did this.

19 Messages


290 Points

9 months ago

A month with email issues, 9 contacts with Homestead and 7 different "fixes" that fixed nothing and now notice of a price increase?!?!?  After 21 years as a customer this is pretty much killing off any customer loyalty to Homestead for me.