1 Message


70 Points

Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 7:22 PM

Website submissions not workkng

Hey there, I was just informed that my website contact submissions are not working g

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20 Messages


566 Points

2 months ago

We are having the same problem with our site.

20 Messages


566 Points

This problem was resolved, and our site was working up until today. What's the deal?

5 Messages


272 Points

2 months ago

Same here.  Homestead is the worst but I've got years invested.  So sick of all their errors and no communication or help.  

10 Messages


170 Points

2 months ago

Same here, ongoing problem for at least 2-3 years.  Rarely do I get a form submission.
Get the run around every time I call and support has told me it's an ATT problem not homestead.

This morning signed in and it said I needed to reset my password, NEVER got that email to reset it either after repeated attempts. 

Call CS, they sent me a reset email, didn't get that either.
So they made a temporary password and now there's NO way I can see to change it even though CS sole me it was under "contact info and security".

Been on hold for 6 mins. finally came back to say they were still investigating both problems and now on hold again 5 mins and counting.

ETA: CS sent me 2 or 3 form submissions and told me it was working fine. I told them no it's NOT working fine because I never got the emails from Homestead.
I can see the submissions on my "manage forms" page.
