59 Messages


1.1K Points

Wednesday, February 21st, 2024 10:00 PM

site association

My domain www.barcelonacookingworkshops.com is pointing to my donain/website www.barcelonacuisine.com

When I search www.barcelonacookingworkshops.com it does not go to www.barcelonacuisine.com

The search engine shows an error.

A few weeks ago it was landing on www.barcelonacuisine.com now it's not.

Please help me resolve this.

I want my domain  www.barcelonacookingworkshops.com to land on www.barcelonacuisine.com

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Brand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points

6 months ago


I have corrected this. It may take up to 24 hours to propagate. Please don't make any changes to this domain, to prevent this from happening again.