3 Messages


90 Points

Thursday, February 15th, 2024 2:52 PM

Registrar / Pointed Domain to Homestead Website / Using O365 email exchange.

How would I go about setting up a pointed domain, to Homestead from Register, for the website we have you hosting and point email to 0365?

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Brand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points

7 months ago

Ok, just to be clear, you want to point a domain to us solely for the website hosting. The domain registration and email service will be through different companies?


If so, please add these records to your domain:


1. A Record:     @    Points to:

2. CNAME:       *        Points to: websites021.homestead.com

3. CNAME:     www    Points to:  websites021.homestead.com

4. CNAME:      m        Points to:    mobile.dudamobile.com 

3 Messages


90 Points

Thank you for the reply.

Yes. Homestead website host, other company DNS/email host

I will implement the solution and update you with the results.

3 Messages


90 Points

Well, that was fast. Everything is up and going.

Thank you!!!