1 Message


72 Points

Friday, November 24th, 2023 4:32 PM

Need help in hosting my website on homestead domain

I have purchased a domain to host my website, My website is built using ReactJs. Now i need help to host the website on that domain. I am not able to upload or add its code on the platform. If anyone knows please help.

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1.9K Messages


19.2K Points

1 year ago

Account: Create a New Site
  1. Log in to your Homestead account.
  2. Click on the Websites Manager tab, then click on Add New Website. ...
  3. Please provide a unique name for the site. ...
  4. Click Add this Site. ...
  5. If your name is available, you will be taken back to the Websites Manager page.
  6. If you are ready to move on, click Choose Design.

Review: https://community.homestead.com/conversations/websitebuilder/account-create-a-new-site/5f2a9ae7581809588454a628

YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/U_5WFooKLTY?si=cpDzDeXjVP_gOuSF

You can use Sitebuilder Plus, not mobile friendly. Websitebuilding is a mobile friendly platform.