16 Messages


160 Points

Monday, July 15th, 2024 3:48 PM


Unauthorized Edits to Webpages

On each page of my website there are characters like A A A A or @@@@ added to text content that was not put there on site builder.  When I log in to site builder, these characters do not display so that they can be edited out.   I end up trying to "guess" where they are or I retype an entire text.  If I did retype an entire text, I'm not certain these "ghost characters" would not reappear at some point on my website.  I don't understand how or why this is happening.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Strange Characters on Websites

3 Messages


80 Points

2 months ago

I've went in and removed spaces that for some reason have been added and it took away the A's. But don't know what is going on. 

16 Messages


160 Points

@eva6755​ Thank you.  It looks like they are still there on every page in headings and text.  The characters I recognize are A, a, @.

9 Messages


120 Points

I have the same problem.....what to do now???

13 Messages


202 Points

2 months ago

I had the same issue, here was my last response on my open problem:

This is the (unacceptable) response I got from Homestead support on Monday, July 15th:

"We do understand how website is importatant to you, But as per now There was no update from our Engineers.
The fix for now is manual by removing extra spaces from the text element and using multiple text boxes to format text instead of spacing inside of the element.


I had to manually redo nearly all of my text boxes across 4 pages, and (also unacceptable) had to remove all changes in formatting within the same text box...no bold, italic, or font color change in the same box...or it displays the special characters.  Creating multiple text boxes that have to be manually aligned in order to complete a single sentence with some basic formatting is ridiculous.  

16 Messages


160 Points

@nikkole7191​ I agree.  I tried just redoing a complete text box and it worked in some instances and not in others.  Fortunately I don't have a complex website so I'll try again or look for another host.

16 Messages


160 Points

It appears that there is nothing I can do to fix this.  I have retyped entire text boxes, changed fonts and changed font sizes and each time I publish, the extra characters are still there.  Sometimes the publish feature adds new characters.  Homestead needs to fix this or start refunding monthly fees.  You can see for yourself at triadgroupllc.com 

9 Messages


120 Points

Here I can and will confirm that it is not just to do with extra spaces, bold writing, italic writing or colour.
On one of my pages that is in French, there are many accents on the letter è, é ê, à, ... also on this page, you have to replace all these letters with a plain e or a. This is unacceptable because now this French text is not written correctly.

This phenomenon was non-existent so screw everything back as it was !
When will this problem finally be solved because I have now had to change all my web pages to make it look more or less acceptable?

Homestead.....please respond !!!

13 Messages


380 Points

This problem has been ongoing on my site for at least two weeks and still no resolution from Homestead. The message boards are filled with these same issues, so it's by no means an isolated incident and it seems they should be taking this more seriously.

Brand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points

1 month ago


There is a ticket created to investigate and resolve this issue, but the engineers need more time to work on it. I'll update here on Community when I get any word of a resolution.

16 Messages


160 Points

Thank you, I have just started to investigate switching to another host but I will wait to see if there is a fix.

16 Messages


160 Points

@elyzabethv​ Can you give us an update on this ticket?  It's been more than a week.

16 Messages


160 Points

It has been 3 weeks without an update on this ticket.  Would you kindly update the status or I will be terminating service this week.

4 Messages


140 Points

17 days ago

My site also has randomly placed A's on each page.  When I tried to edit my site, I keep getting the message that updated files are being copied which may take a few minutes.  After waiting more than 25 minutes to view a site I have not updated in months, I can not understand why this should take so long.  What is my next move?