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Thursday, July 18th, 2019 9:08 PM

Community Guidelines

Community Guidelines
Homestead Community Guidelines​

Thank you for choosing Homestead Technologies Inc. or its affiliates. The following Community Guidelines are designed to help you understand what it means to be a member of the Homestead Community. Your use of Homestead is subject to these Guidelines and our Terms of Service.  You might also be interested in viewing a topic on navigating the community

Create a friendly and helpful environment for our customers to find help from both employees and other customers. Sometimes, you as customers, have some information or insight that we may not. We love for you to share your knowledge. Below we have outlined the guidelines for participating in the Homestead community, please read them.


​SHARE WHAT YOU KNOW – If you see a question that hasn’t been answered (or if you have a different take than the answer provided) please share it! As a community, we hope we can all help each other work smarter, not harder! 

BE HONEST – We truly want to know how you’re doing with your website. Don’t misrepresent or lie about your business, identity, or age. This community is based on the contributions of real people. Be one of us! 

PUSH US – We want to be the best available. If there isn’t something we’re doing- tell us. We’ll hold you accountable and we want you to return the favor! 

ASK IF YOU DON’T KNOW - If you have a question or just want to know how someone else did something, ASK! We can’t answer your question if we don’t know what it is.  

BE CLEAN – We’re here to learn from each other- dirty or offensive jokes have no place here. Likewise, name calling, bullying, and abusive behavior won’t be tolerated!

BE SUPPORTIVE – We have a lot of small business owners that are new to building a website. It’s important to cheer each other on while we give constructive tips and advice. 


LANGUAGE - We do acknowledge that technical problems can be frustrating at times, but we must insist all of our users keep their communications civil and professional at all times.  Any posts containing language that is offensive, sarcastic, argumentative, or abusive will be removed. Since this is a help center, if we have to remove your post, your question will not be answered.

SPAM - Many questions have already been answered. Use the search and see if you can find an answer to your question. This is the fastest way to get help. If you don't find an answer, feel free to ask, but please don't ask the same question in multiple topics. Duplicate or similar posts will be removed. 

OVER SHARE - We want you to share information, but more importantly we want you to be safe. Don't post your account information or personal details. This is the web, once you post something you can't easily take it back. Never put your password or PIN in a post.

BE NAUGHTY -Don't use content or images you don't own.

BEG - We want you to advertise your business, but this Community isn't the place to do it.

BE A TROLL - If you're not sure what that means, check out the definition here. If we find you doing it, we'll ask you to leave.

Thank you for taking the time to read and use the community with these rules in mind. We have them because they’re important. Like all online communities, we can only be great with active and engaged people (that includes us). Our hope is that people who are part of the community grow more passionate and have more success because of what they learn and share in this community. 

We promise to start and participate in open conversations that can make us all better, but we can only do that if you join the conversations.

The Homestead Community Team
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