

December 15th, 2013

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followed 's post

10 years ago

My website looks different than it does in SiteBuilder when I view my website in the Mozilla Firefox web browser. It looks normal in Internet Explorer, but not everyone uses Internet Explorer. How can I make sure it looks the same in all different web browsers as well as via mobile? Help!

posted a question

February 6, 2015

10 years ago

I used wordpress.com to blog and now I want to direct those blog posts and followers to my www.originshobbyfarm.com/blog.html. What are my options?

's post

10 years ago

I used wordpress.com to blog and now I want to direct those blog posts and followers to my www.originshobbyfarm.com/blog.html. What are my options?

's post

10 years ago

I used wordpress.com to blog and now I want to direct those blog posts and followers to my www.originshobbyfarm.com/blog.html. What are my options?

posted a question

January 31, 2015

10 years ago

I am using add this tools successfully on my website but I only get HTML codes to insert...I dont see how to do this insert in the blog platform as it only lets me enter URL'SWould I toggle to HTML and paste it in there?

's post

10 years ago

I am using add this tools successfully on my website but I only get HTML codes to insert...I dont see how to do this insert in the blog platform as it only lets me enter URL'SWould I toggle to HTML and paste it in there?

's post

10 years ago

I am using add this tools successfully on my website but I only get HTML codes to insert...I dont see how to do this insert in the blog platform as it only lets me enter URL'SWould I toggle to HTML and paste it in there?

followed 's post

10 years ago

Here are some instructions to create and add a sitemap to your website.Go to http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/.Scroll to the bottom and enter your domain name at the Starting URL section.Click the Start Button (don't worry about the information between your domain and the start button).After the website

replied to a comment on 's post

10 years ago

Here are some instructions to create and add a sitemap to your website.Go to http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/.Scroll to the bottom and enter your domain name at the Starting URL section.Click the Start Button (don't worry about the information between your domain and the start button).After the website

Same problem for me as well

liked 's comment

10 years ago

Hi I have been having real problems trying to get the sitemap correct. Google keeps saying there is a problem. Either it's not in my footer or files and They keep getting a 404 response Page not found? I have been working on this site for a couple of