

July 17th, 2013

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replied to a comment on 's post

11 years ago

Here is how you can add a widget or HTML code to your website:Click Websites Manager in the left navigation menu. Then, click Edit Site. Click Insert in the top toolbar. Select More from the drop-down menu. Then, select HTML.The HTML placeholder will automatically go to the upper left corner of your

Thanks, that worked :)

liked 's post

11 years ago

Here is how you can add a widget or HTML code to your website:Click Websites Manager in the left navigation menu. Then, click Edit Site. Click Insert in the top toolbar. Select More from the drop-down menu. Then, select HTML.The HTML placeholder will automatically go to the upper left corner of your

commented on 's post

11 years ago

Here is how you can add a widget or HTML code to your website:Click Websites Manager in the left navigation menu. Then, click Edit Site. Click Insert in the top toolbar. Select More from the drop-down menu. Then, select HTML.The HTML placeholder will automatically go to the upper left corner of your

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Radio station in webpage. We have a radio station like a podcast, how do I add the radio station link where it plays in the webpage and doesnt send the viewer to a new page?

's post

11 years ago

We have a radio station like a podcast, how do I add the radio station link where it plays in the webpage and doesnt send the viewer to a new page?

's post

11 years ago

We have a radio station like a podcast, how do I add the radio station link where it plays in the webpage and doesnt send the viewer to a new page?

posted a question

July 17, 2013

11 years ago

We have a radio station like a podcast, how do I add the radio station link where it plays in the webpage and doesnt send the viewer to a new page?

joined community.

July 17, 2013