drew_n's profile

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Saturday, October 5th, 2013 2:38 PM


How do I hide the coupon code box from checkout page?

By default the checkout page shows a coupon code box as shown in the following image.


The following steps will guide you through hiding the coupon code box from the checkout page of your store.

1.) Login to your store's control panel.

2.) Click on Design.


3.) Then click on the tab labeled Template Files.


4.) Then scroll down to the folder called Styles, and click the plus sign next to it.


5.) Then go to the file named styles.css, and click on the Edit link on the right of that row.


5.) Once you have opened that file then you will search for the following code:
6.) Then replace the above code with the following code:
7.) Save changes by clicking on the save button in the top left of the page.
Now your checkout page should not show the coupon code box. Below is my checkout page after I made the changes to hide the coupon code box:

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