drew_n's profile

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Thursday, October 3rd, 2013 8:03 PM


How do I change the font in my store?

All fonts in BigCommerce are defined in the CSS stylesheets for your template.  You can easily change the font for all or part of your BigCommerce store using the same basic technique.

If you're unfamiliar with using fonts in web pages, you can find a good overview here.

Changing the font for the entire store
1.) Login to your store's control panel.

2.) Click on Design.


3.) Click on the Template Files tab.


4.) Scroll down to the Styles folder and click the plus sign next to it.


5.) Then find the styles.css file and click Edit to the right of it.


6.) Add the following code to the top of the file:

    font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif !important;
You'll need to change the fonts in red to match the fonts you'd like your store to use. Please see this article for more information on using fonts on the web.

7.) Click Save.


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