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Saturday, October 5th, 2013 12:52 PM


How do I access an RSS feed for a specific product category?

Your BigCommerce store gives you the ability to generate RSS feeds for various aspects of your store, such as New Products, Popular Products, Featured Products, and News Stories, as well as individual feeds for specific Categories and Products.

Enabling your RSS Feeds:
1.) Login to your store's control panel.
2.) Click on Settings and then Store.


3.) Now, click on the Display tab.


4.) Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and ensure that the boxes are checked next to the appropriate RSS feeds.



Getting the Category-Specific URL:
RSS feeds follow a certain taxonomy, with specific category feeds looking like the one here:

By replacing the "www.yourstore.com" with your store's domain, and finding the category ID of the appropriate category, you can create the RSS Feed URLs for your categories.

1.) Login to your store's control panel.
2.) Click on Products and then View Categories.


3.) Click Edit on the category for which you wish to have an RSS feed URL.


4.) In the Address bar of your browser, you should now see something similar to the following.


5.) Copy the highlighted part and replace the X part in the URL below with your category's ID.


Your URL should look something like the following:

Now you can post the URL anywhere you wish to have people able to subscribe to the RSS feed.

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