drew_n's profile

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Sunday, December 8th, 2013 7:13 PM


How can I remove the "no products" message from empty categories?

Please note that while we offer this tutorial and it is tested and working at the time of creation, any customization of or support for these types of articles is outside of our scope of support. If you require assistance with any design or customization, we recommend that you either visit our community forums or contact one of our fantastic design consultants.

Removing the "no products" message from all categories
1.) Login to your store's control panel.
2.) Click on Design.


3.) Next, click on the Template Files tab.


4.) Scroll down to the Styles folder and click the plus sign on it.


5.) Now, find the Styles.css file and click Edit.


6.) Scroll to the bottom of the file and paste in the following code

#CategoryContent .Message {display:none;}

7.) Click Save, and you're done!

Removing the "no products" message from a specific category
1.) Login to your store's control panel.
2.) Click on Products -> Product Categories.


3.) Click edit on the specific category you want to alter.

4.) Click the HTML button.


5.) Paste in the following code.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function() {
$("a:contains('There are no products in this category.')").text('');


7.) Click and click Update, then Save and Exit, and you're done!

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