angela6389's profile

49 Messages


1.5K Points

Saturday, February 10th, 2024 1:11 AM

Transfer to a Different Host

Please provide the steps for transferring a domain, both website and email, from homestead to a different domain.

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49 Messages


1.5K Points

11 months ago

Also, how to access the files and database for the site to transfer to another host

10 Messages


336 Points

11 months ago

Following, please provide this information Homestead, the last few days have created untold problems for my clients and my businesses 

Brand User

11.1K Messages


145.7K Points

11 months ago


Here are the instructions to transfer your domain to another host:

‎Account: Transfer a Domain to Another Host | Homestead Community


The website will not be able to be transferred and will need to be rebuilt elsewhere.