677 Messages
44.6K Points
Purchasing Google Workspace

Google Workspace can be purchased by clicking on Email > Google Workspace > Login from Homestead.com or from the Google Workspace tab in the Homestead account

- Click the “Add it Today” button from the Google Workspace Marketing page.
- If an account has multiple domains, select a domain from Domain drop down.
(Up to 100 Google Workspace users can be added by clicking on + icon (Add an Additional Account) from top left.) - Enter Email Address, First Name, Last Name (First, Last Name auto populated for first Admin account). Password is auto generated, non-editable, can be copied and changed later.
- Purchase summary - The number of users and the total price is shown on the Confirmation page.
Confirm Purchase by clicking the Submit button.
Note: Billing cycle is as per Hosting package (Monthly/Biannually/Annually/Biennial)
First Account created is an Admin account.
Additional users under the Google Workspace account can be created under account by clicking on “Add it Today” button from the Marketing page.
Clicking on “Go to Google Workspace!” takes user to Mail Central page which displays list of purchased Google Workspace accounts + users as well as Roundcube mailboxes

Note: Please accept Google's Product Agreement within 30 days of signup to avoid disruption in service.
9 Messages
260 Points
5 years ago
Can you advise?
7.6K Messages
106.7K Points
5 years ago
I apologize about this, at what step are you receiving the error?
8 Messages
326 Points
4 years ago
I would like to ask you questions. If I purchasing 1 G Suite Account (Admin) for $6.00 a month. Can I add 2 users' emails for my business as Free? Here is an example:
myname@yourdomainname.com (Admin)
#1 sales@yourdomainname.com (Users)
#2 customerservice@yourdomainname.com (Users)
These would be free to add user's emails as long I pay $6.00 a month?
Let me know what would be your answer to this question.
1 Message
60 Points
2 years ago
i am trying to connect domain to google workplace. i have clicked add today and copied code to receive token but keep getting error code.
Unable to transfer your account. Probably due to invalid token or No Subscription info found. Please try again.
subscription is active. i have revoked token and tried several attempts I need to get setup asap. any ideas what is causing?
3 Messages
102 Points
2 years ago
Does homestead allow upgrade options to your current google workspace, we have the "business starter" but would like to upgrade to the next option available, I cant purchase directly through google as homestead is our domain host.