patricia5080's profile

11 Messages


332 Points

Friday, July 12th, 2024 6:00 PM


Some kind of "A's" have suddenly popped up all over the wording in my website.

What is going on?  How do I fix this?  Are you aware of it? 

Crucial to fix right away.  

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44 Messages


1.8K Points

2 months ago

A screen shot of the problem would help. 

13 Messages


202 Points

2 months ago

I am having the same issue on my website!  I called it in Friday, was told engineers were working on it as a priority, but still no resolution.  Agreed, this is super urgent to fix as it's a big impact on business presentation, especially when running campaigns.  Embarrassing!  I have tried to replace a couple text boxes, didn't fix it.  

11 Messages


332 Points

Hi Nikkole7191. 

Yes, I tried changing the font because someone suggested it might be from having an old font that is not in their new program, but it didn't help.  I hope they can come up with a solution soon!

44 Messages


1.8K Points

I had this happen a couple of time when I copied text from another site or document and pasted it into my HS website.  If that's what you did, then past the text into a program like Notepad.  That will strip away all the formatting attached to the text.  Then paste it in to your HS text box.  Now, if that's not what you did...I have no clue!

13 Messages


202 Points

Nope, all manually typed in and formatted in the SiteBuilder (which is why I cringe at the thought of having to re-do it all).  It was all displaying fine early last week when I checked and that was after the last time I had published.  I also tried deleting and re-creating one of the effected text boxes and it didn't fix it.  Support sounded like Engineers knew about it, and I see it's not just me, so hopefully they will see these messages and get a resolution for us ASAP.  Thanks for the suggestion, it's definitely a valid one I have also run into in the past!