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2 Messages
130 Points
Tuesday, December 26th, 2023 6:23 PM
I don't remember how to republish my website.
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1K Messages
30K Points
1 year ago
For both Sitebuilder Plus and WebsiteBuilder, there is button at the top right corner inside of the editor to click Publish. Is there a specific website you are trying to publish and not seeing the option?
Thanks for your support. I found out from tech support that my domain name had expired. So I renewed it. Thanks
I'm glad to hear they were able to help take care of it. Please let us know if anything else should come up!
1K Messages
30K Points
1 year ago
For both Sitebuilder Plus and WebsiteBuilder, there is button at the top right corner inside of the editor to click Publish. Is there a specific website you are trying to publish and not seeing the option?
2 Messages
130 Points
1 year ago
Thanks for your support. I found out from tech support that my domain name had expired. So I renewed it. Thanks