77 Messages


972 Points

Wednesday, September 27th, 2023 12:13 PM

Changes not publishing again

Same problem as earlier this month. Updates are not publishing. Updated the site last night, checked it this morning and nothing changed. I have republished multiple times, cleared cache, used a private browser, and still published changes are not viewable. Anyone else again?

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77 Messages


972 Points

1 year ago

Talked to tech support this morning. The first person was useless and frankly rude (never had that experience with Homestead support). Called back and spoke to a second person who was very nice and attempted to help. Apparently, Homestead cannot duplicate the problem on their end though, meaning they are able to see our updates, they say.

However, still, no one here on multiple different devices, locations across the country (U.S., we are in New York State), or different browsers can see the updates. Cache has been cleared multiple times on all devices. The second person I spoke with seems to think we need to use a different browser. It doesn’t matter, though. So, the way we left it was that Homestead was going to do some clearing on their end and for us to give it a couple hours and check in again.

I see there are two other people on the community section here reporting the same problem in the last 24 hours. For us, it is the same exact problem as experienced earlier this month that was widespread and caused sites not to update for days at a time. Homestead says this was fixed, but it doesn’t appear so now. Since Homestead apparently is not convinced the problem is not on our end, is anyone else having the problem updating again? If so, could you kindly post about it or give them a call. I just want to see them get this corrected quickly and once and for all.

7 Messages


260 Points

@andrea6609​ Yes first time ever having this issue. I upgraded from starter to business thinking I maxed out my storage. We'll see if that helps. Otherwise, my site has been operating without a hitch for years.

Brand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points



The builder cache has been cleared for your website. Can you check that your changes are published?

5 Messages


120 Points

I am also having this problem - nothing is publishing.

168 Messages


7.6K Points

1 year ago

same issue here. Nothing is publishing. 

Brand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points


Can you tell me which sites you've published, so I can request the cache to be cleared on our end?

9 Messages


134 Points

1 year ago

I've had this same issue again as I had a week or so ago.  No updates to my website. 

5 Messages


100 Points

1 year ago

Same issue here again! This is unacceptable; Homestead needs to fix the problem immediately!

Brand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points



The builder cache has been cleared for your website. Can you check that your changes are published?

41 Messages


1.3K Points

1 year ago

Same issue here AGAIN!  If I can't view updates after refreshing and using a different browser, neither can customers/clients.  Are there refunds from homestead when their programs don't work correctly?  Keep track of your days not updating folks and create tickets for down time refunds!!

77 Messages


972 Points

1 year ago

Spoke to tech support this afternoon. They said they are aware of the issue now on the sites and to give it 24 hours for the update.

41 Messages


1.3K Points

@andrea6609​ Thank you for  patiently waiting to get through on the phone to tech.  24 hrs plus today is 2 days of customers not seeing the latest information.  I am going to continue to keep track  and ask for a refund because of their incompetence.

1 Message


62 Points

1 year ago

same here, did they fix it for you

77 Messages


972 Points

They did not. Only said they are working on it and to check our site for the update in 24 hours. They have 4 hours to go if they stick with that timeline. I am not hopeful.

41 Messages


1.3K Points

1 year ago

If there is a tech reading this thread - here is an observation.
Beginning on our site "Home" page at www.cowtownlivestock.ca   > and using the main navigation tab to go to "Market Report" ~ the *Sept 26* market report is not showing. 
If I go to any other page (using one of the five main tabs in navigation) then return to the "Market Report" page via any other page first ---- the page is showing as published with the updated Sept 26 report.
-----Also to note is that on all pages, my header image is restricted - width is not 100% across (desktop mode) as it was previous to this last fault of not publishing properly.   

Brand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points

1 year ago


The builder cache has been cleared for your site. Can you check that your changes are published?

5 Messages


120 Points

Can you clear the builder cache for baypath.org please?

5 Messages


162 Points

1 year ago

I am having the exact same issue. This is ridiculous. Why do we need someone from support to clear the builder cache before we can publish? FIX THE ISSUE.

Brand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points


I was just notified that our engineers made a change on their end that should resolve this issue. Can you let me know if you're still experiencing this?

3 Messages


80 Points

10 months ago

valleygreater.homesteadcloud.com is having the same issue.  nothing I update saves....