shawn1076's profile

40 Messages


670 Points

Thursday, October 26th, 2023 7:11 PM

Can I Redirect A Page to A New Site Page?

Our website is on the old sitebuilder. I am rebuilding it on the new Web Builder platform. We have many forms on our site but are 2 very important and used numerous times a day. I do not want to fully publish and share our page until it is complete. HOWEVER - the forms are failing on our original site (which is why I am rebuilding). Is there a way to redirect a page from sitebuilder to a new page on the webbuilder (it has the homesteadcloud in the address right now).

Can I make a path that when a client goes to fill out one of those forms....that when they click on the link it will actually redirect them to the new form??
Our IT guy has this url embedded in a message that is emailed out to our clients. He has some personal things going on right now and is not available to make the change on our I am looking for a temporary fix. 

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