bob_king's profile

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Thursday, March 9th, 2023 9:57 AM

ALT text problem is back. I posted this problem 3 months ago.

I've posted screenshots showing the problems.  I've been told "the ticket is being looked at."  The issue disappeared for a week or two, and now it's back again, worse than ever.  I notice it's much worse on Firefox, but still noticeable on Chrome.  What's going on?  See:

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62 Messages


1.4K Points

1 year ago

I just checked my Samsung phone, and the problem is just as bad on Chrome as it is on Firefox.

62 Messages


1.4K Points

1 year ago

And, as I've previously said, I DELETED the problem ALT text weeks ago.  For years, the words "Sound Kit" and "Rental House" appeared when a mouse hovered over specific images.  After weeks of seeing those words scattered across my home page, in an odd font and odd locations, (and reporting the problem here), I finally deleted that ALT text.  But, the words are still smeared across my home page!  What is the impact on clients and potential clients?  They must think "incompetence."  My website is having a negative impact, instead of a positive impact, on my business!     

Brand User

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143.9K Points

1 year ago

Hmm. Right now, when I visit your website, I see no Alt Text issues. The latest update on the ticket is that they haven't been able to reproduce the issue lately, and thought it was fixed. Can you send screenshots of what you're seeing as well as what browser you're using?

62 Messages


1.4K Points

1 year ago

Yes, "right now" I also see no ALT text issues.  My home page looks normal as of this morning.  I did go to the site yesterday and re-publish, as you had previously recommended, but the ALT text problem remained.  Again, as of today, my home page is clean.

As to screenshots, the problem looks exactly like the screenshots I've already posted here.  As to the browsers I'm using, I've already stated (above) I'm using Firefox and Chrome, and on both a desktop PC and an android phone.

You have offered very little information.  Has technical staff Investigated?  Yes or no?  Did they  make changes to address the issue?  Yes or no?  Why does the problem come and go?  Is there a malicious hacker attacking my site?  Is this a defect that will continue to be a problem, but randomly?  

62 Messages


1.4K Points

1 year ago

I've been waiting five days.  Do you think you could answer my questions?

Brand User

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143.9K Points

Unfortunately, I don't really have an answer. We see nothing on our end that would cause this and you are the only customer reporting this issue. We have a ticket open, but no action has been taken on your site to fix the issue because we don't see an issue on our end. I'm sorry, I know that isn't the answer you are looking for, but I don't know why the issue is intermittent and we don't know why this is occurring.

62 Messages


1.4K Points

Incredible.  I can't imagine how I would be the only one to see it, on multiple devices and multiple browsers, if you can't see it.  Plus, I've posted screenshots here, so your technical people SHOULD have been able to see those, and therefor know what the problem looks like, and perhaps what might be causing it.  Yet "no action has been taken."  I won't speculate further about that.

Again, for the past few days the problem has vanished.  If I see it again, I'll ask friends to visit my site and take screenshots.