2 Messages


80 Points

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 12:42 AM

634 % monthly price increase for my web store???

I just received an email from Homestead that my web store monthly cost will rise from $62.93 to $399.00 effective 01/2024. This pure price gouging.

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Brand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points

9 months ago

Hi Rick, 

I am so sorry, but unfortunately, these prices are set through BigCommerce. Homestead has no control over it. You can see the pricing on their website:


Have you called to see if downgrading is an option for you?

2 Messages


272 Points

9 months ago

So if we were grandfathered in at a set price, will our rates still be going up? If so, Shopify has a promotion for one year free.

2 Messages


80 Points

Yes the price will increase. I have had my web store with Homestead and Bigcommerce for over 10 years. I downgraded my Pro store plan to a Plus plan and the price increase will now only be a mere 67% !!! The only reason I could downgrade now is because my sales volume has dropped to pathetic amount due to inflation and bidenomics. This downgrade is only temporary until I move everything to a different web store platform. I'm glad I sold off all my Bigcommerce stock shares last year. They just priced themselves out of business...