2 Messages


144 Points

Monday, April 22nd, 2013 12:47 PM


Navigation Menu Debacle

I haven't uploaded my new web-site yet because I'm still trying to modify it but am having a problem. My navigation menu, so far just one of them, at times will appear as if the links are double spaced. It won't display entirely, sometimes it is displayed partially on top of a Nav menu above it. It will do this bot in development or preview mode but not all the time. Makes it difficult to get things laid out the way you want.
Any ideas or fixes?

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

782 Messages


184.8K Points

12 years ago

After reviewing your site, I think your frustration is due to the method that you used for creating your navigation links. It is almost always best to have all the links part of one element rather than creating separate navigation menu for each individual link, which is what you did. View this link and take a close look at step #6. This is the step that allows you to add multiple links to the same menu.


Also, FYI when you have some time, you may want to call and visit with one of our advisers. For the type of site you are creating a Storefront or SimpleStore plan would save you a lot of work and might even be less money!
